Monday, April 20, 2009

Colon Cancer Cures - Natural Colon Cancer Cures

Recognizing and understanding Colon Cancer Symtoms.... will help in finding colon cancer cures...

Some of the most common signs and symptoms of colorectal cancer include:

  • Changes in bowel habits

  • Constipation or Diarrhea, and feeling like the bowel is not emptying completely...

  • Either dark or bright red blood in the stool

  • Smaller and narrower stools than usual

  • Abdominal discomfort (frequent gas pains, bloating, fullness, and/or cramps)

  • Losing weight and not understanding why

  • Always feeling tired

  • Feeling like vomiting or actual vomiting

No one knows exactly what is causing the increasing numbers of colon cancer, however there are several factors that seem to be possible risk factors.

Age: Colon cancer is more likely to appear in people over the age of 50, however there have been cases as young as in their teens.

Diet: Colon cancer seems to be more associated with diets that are high in fat and calories and low in fiber. Researchers are saying that Having a diet high in fiber is very possibly a preventative when it comes to any kind of cancer.

Medical History: People with a family history or family members that have had colon cancer or breast cancer seem to be at a higher risk of getting it,too.

However, it seems like there is really no known rhyme or reason for who gets targeted with colon cancer and don't let anyone tell you there is no cure other than chemotherapy, radiation or being robbed of parts of your insides!

There are too many stories of natural colon cancer cures that have helped people and too much evidence of survivors of colon cancer.

CLICK HERE to find out what many doctors won't tell you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Natural Treatment for Cancer - Holistic Breast Cancer Treatments

The fittest to survive Breast cancer is not the wealthiest, the most famous and well-connected. They usually enter the most prestigious cancer institutions, and they come out in a wooden box. Kings, princesses, tycoons and politicians seem to share the same fate. The allopathic establishment is an equal opportunity system when it comes to mortality rates.

Who is your typical survivor?

It is the kind of person seldom found among celebrities. She has an independent mind, capable of evaluating basic data, not impressed by titles and positions, not easily intimidated, and not inclined to panic. She will read, listen, compare and evaluate. Her idea of dealing with breast cancer , or any other form of cacner, is not to throw herself at the mercy of medical entrepreneurs posing as cancer scientists.

Neither will she turn it into a social statement, seeking out the so-called elite of the medical establishment and carefully maintaining her social and financial status. She will dig hard to get hold of solutions that work. To that end, she will carefully examine the available evidence, consider what the practitioners tell her, and make an informed decision.

That is the profile of a typical breast cancer survivor.

Cancer patients are under tremendous pressure. They are surrounded by lies and deception. They face the allopathic medical establishment, the mass media, and the well-meaning relatives and friends, who all believe themselves to be experts when it comes to cancer. Is there a blueprint of survival one can follow?

Amazing results are being achieved with harmless, benign substances, with no side effects, no hair loss, nausea, sore mouth, breast removal, etc… The treatment is simple, completely safe, and available right now, as we speak. Actually, you can click here to enter a Holistic Cancer Solutions site where you can access copies of clinical results, proven results of holistic breast cancer treatments, and many other types of cancer treatments as well.

The essence of what the Holistic Cancer Treatments web site is about can be summed up in one word: SURVIVAL.

Everything else is secondary or marginal compared to it. Brand new, little known or carefully suppressed treatments are presented there, that are able to eliminate cancer without causing any toxic harm. The treatments are practiced by holistic MDs, oncologists with a conscience, and by fully licensed naturopathic physicians.

Safety and efficacy are documented in scientific papers and articles, published in peer-reviewed medical and biological journals.

Natural Treatment for Cancer ~ Alternative Cancer Treatments

I Beat Cancer! is a collection of over 2,000 cases of ordinary people who got rid of their cancer with the natural and alternative cancer treatments described in Natural Cancer Treatments. It contains every testimonial on the Internet, saving you months of valuable searching time.

Look up your cancer to see what other cancer sufferers used to beat their cancer. It may work for you as well!

I Beat Cancer! is in the form of a directory to allow easy searching and cross-referencing.

Breast cancer -------------------------------277 cancer winners’ stories
Prostate cancer-----------------------------196 cancer winners’ stories
Lung cancer--------------------------------156 cancer winners’ stories
Colon cancer-------------------------------104 cancer winners’ stories
Skin cancer--------------------------------109 cancer winners’ stories
Brain & spinal cord cancers----------------131 cancer winners’ stories
Liver cancer-------------------------------104 cancer winners’ stories
Leukemia---------------------------------36 cancer winners’ stories
Non-Hodgkin’s & lymphomas--------------89 cancer winners’ stories
Ovarian cancer----------------------------66 cancer winners’ stories
Melanoma---------------------------------53 cancer winners’ stories
Cervical cancer-----------------------------47 cancer winners’ stories
Bone cancer--------------------------------45 cancer winners’ stories
Pancreatic cancer---------------------------45 cancer winners’ stories
Stomach cancer----------------------------50 cancer winners’ stories
Bladder cancer-----------------------------36 cancer winners’ stories
Mesothelioma------------------------------10 cancer winners’ stories

And many more… If you are looking for a natural treatment for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or any other cancer… You could be reading ALL those testimonies NOW!